


Please see below some recent professional development opportunities offered by the Office of Postdoctoral and Researcher Affairs: 


January 2022 - December 2022

  • Writing an effective scientific research article - by Dr. Umair bin Waheed
  • Interviews for Jobs Outside Academia - by Imperial College London
  • Interviews for Academic Jobs - by Imperial College London
  • Finding a Perfect Research Collaborator- by Dr. Richard de Grijs
  • Effective Use of Academic and Social Media Networks for Endorsing the Publication - by Dr. Richard de Grijs
  • Writer's Clinic - by Dr. David Jones
  • Planning Career Change - by Imperial College London
  • Networking - A Strategic Approach - by Dr. David Jones
  • A Step - by - Step Guide to Write a Winning Research Grant Proposal - by Dr. Fiona Murphy
  • Get that Paper Written and Published - by Dr. David Jones
  • Communication Skills Lectures - by Jean-luc Doumont  
  • Making Job Applications - by Imperial College London
  • Managing your First Research Group - by Imperial College London
  • Resilience and Well-being in Academia - by Desiree Dickerson
  • Career Planning for Postdoctoral Researchers - by Sarah Blackford
  • Planning for Success Beyond your Postdoc - by Imperial College London
  • How to Peer Review Manuscripts for Journals - by Dr. David Jones 
  • Making the Most of Your Postdoc -  by Imperial College London
  • Preparing Successful Fellowship Applications - by Imperial College London
  • Lectureship Applications: What you Need to Know to be Successful - by Imperial College London
  • Lectureship CVs: What You Need to be Working Towards Now to Succeed in 5 Years - by Imperial College London
  • Successful interview technique - by Sarah Blackford
  • Writing an effective CV and covering letter - by Sarah Blackford
  • Effective self-presentation for networking purposes - by Sarah Blackford
  • Higher Education Teaching Certificate - by Harvard University’s Derek Bok Center for Teaching and Learning
  • Time Management for Postdocs - by Imperial College London
  • Leadership in Research: Vision, Strategy and Team Culture - by Imperial College London

    January 2021 - December 2021

      • Critical Thinking and Problem Solving - by Caroline Broad
      • A Step - by - Step Guide to Write a Winning Research Grant Proposal - by Dr. Fiona Murphy
      • How to Use your Voice to Engage an Audience - by Stewart Theobald
      • Resilience and Well-being in Academia - by Desiree Dickerson
      • Career Planning for Postdoctoral Researchers - by Sarah Blackford
      • Get that Paper Written and Published - by Dr. David Jones 
      • Project Management - by Caroline Broad
      • Planning for Success Beyond your Postdoc - by Imperial College London
      • Personal Pitching - by Emma Williams
      • How to Peer Review Manuscripts for Journals - by Dr. David Jones 
      • Making the Most of Your Postdoc -  by Imperial College London
      • Preparing Successful Fellowship Applications - by Imperial College London
      • Lectureship Applications: What you Need to Know to be Successful - by Imperial College London
      • Lectureship CVs: What You Need to be Working Towards Now to Succeed in 5 Years - by Imperial College London
      • Successful interview technique - by Sarah Blackford
      • Writing an effective CV and covering letter - by Sarah Blackford
      • Effective self-presentation for networking purposes - by Sarah Blackford
      • Career planning and making informed career choices - by Sarah Blackford
      • Higher Education Teaching Certificate - by Harvard University’s Derek Bok Center for Teaching and Learning
      • Time Management for Postdocs - by Imperial College London
      • Discover your strengths workshop - by Sandra Katakalea - KAUST
      • Interviews for Jobs Outside Academia - by Imperial College London
      • Interviews for Academic Jobs - by Imperial College London
      • Writing an effective scientific research article - by Dr. Umair bin Waheed

      January - December 2020

      • Higher Education Teaching Certificate - by Harvard University’s Derek Bok Center for Teaching and Learning
      • Resilience webinar- by Gillian Jones
      • Communicating with confidence - by Mark Vollans

       January - December 2019

      • Nature Masterclass - Scientific writing and publishing - by Alexandra Flemming
      • Mentoring, problem-solving and making decisions - by Mark Vollans
      • Communicating with confidence - by Mark Vollans
      • Successful career development - by Paul Mullan
      • Data reproducibility - by Dr. Ulf Tölch and Dr. Benjamin Schwessinger
      • Career stories and scientific publishing - by Dr. John Uhlrich and Dr. Stefan Hildebrandt, Wiley-VCH
      • Open science is better science - by Professor David Ketcheson, KAUST
      • Grant writing from a funding agency perspective - by Manus Ward, KAUST