Ombuds Service

The Office of Postdoctoral and Researcher Affairs provides an Ombuds Service to postdocs and research personnel. This service is independent of the Ombuds for Student Matters. If you have an issue related to postdoctoral or researcher affairs that you would like to discuss, please contact Damien Lightfoot at for a confidential and informal meeting.

In order to ensure respectful, fair and equitable treatment among all members of the KAUST community, the Office of Postdoctoral and Researcher Affairs offers confidential and informal assistance in the form of its Ombuds Service to facilitate the resolution of concerns related to postdoctoral and researcher affairs. As part of this Ombuds Service, the Office of Postdoctoral and Researcher Affairs provides postdocs and researchers with the opportunity to speak and be heard by a neutral listener.

If you are a postdoc or researcher with an issue that you have been unable to resolve independently or if you are not sure where to take your concern, then the Ombuds Service in the Office of Postdoctoral and Researcher Affairs is a safe place to start. Please contact Damien Lightfoot at to schedule an appointment.